Photo Credit: Archie Bonyun
sign up to be a volunteer bird monitor
Volunteer Positions Available:
"Adopt" a KELT preserve to monitor throughout the year. Available preserves include:
Bonyun Preserve (Westport Island)
Green Point Preserve (West Bath)
Higgins Mountain Preserve (Georgetown)
Lilly Pond Community Forest (Bath)
Merrymeeting Fields Preserve (Woolwich)
Morse Pond Preserve (Georgetown)
Carl & Barbara Segerstrom Preserve @ Squam Creek (Westport Island)
Sewall Woods Preserve (Bath)
Thorne Head Preserve (Bath)
Weber Kelly Preserve (Georgetown)
Help assess bird populations on KELT land protection projects
Be a general bird monitor, visiting different KELT preserves throughout the year
Take photos of birds for KELT to use in digital media